TDG Clients: Your Tax Organizer Is Now Ready!
We have placed your 2021 Tax Year Organizer in your secure area on Canopy. Please check your Canopy account to confirm receipt by clicking the button below or by visiting theDowlingGroup.com/login
In order to avoid missing important notifications from your advisor, be sure to add notifications@thedowlinggroup.clientportal.com to your contacts/
For those clients who expressed a preference to use paper, your tax organizer has been mailed to you by USPS, and you should receive it within the next few days.
Schedule Your Appointment
This year, tax day is April 18th. In order to reserve the most convenient time for your appointment, make sure to schedule it soon! Call us at (203) 967-2231 to set up a time, even if you’re still waiting for those last few forms to arrive. For your convenience, we accept payment via ACH (direct bank debit), credit card, or paper check.
We appreciate your continued business, and we’re honored by your referrals. Thank you.
Wishing you and your families well,
Sean M. Dowling, CFP, EA
President, The Dowling Group Wealth Management
Please feel free to forward this commentary to family, friends, or colleagues. If you would like us to add them to the list, please reply to this e-mail with their e-mail address and we will ask for their permission to be added.
ADV & Investment Objectives: Please contact The Dowling Group if there are any changes in your financial situation or investment objectives, or if you wish to impose, add or modify any reasonable restrictions to the management of your account. Our current disclosure statement is set forth on Part II of Form ADV and is available for your review upon request.
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