A Time for Gratitude
Some folks love the shopping, cooking, and camaraderie of holidays; others dislike the long lines, financial stress, and seasonal music. No matter which tribe you belong to, focusing on the ‘thanks’ part of Thanksgiving can heighten your enjoyment of the holidays. That’s because showing gratitude – expressing appreciation for what we have as opposed to lamenting what we don’t – boosts our sense of happiness and wellbeing. It also increases our energy, empathy, and optimism. (Plus, you’ll be prepared when asked to tell everyone what you’re grateful for before the holiday feast begins.)
This year, we’re thankful for:
- Family whether blood relatives, clients, or co-workers. We appreciate the people who enrich our lives and make us feel at home.
- Teachers who have challenged us to do our best at various stages in our lives.
- Pets which can be demanding but pay us back in love many times over.
- History because it offers us the knowledge we need to plan for the future.
We value your relationship and appreciate the trust you’ve placed in us. We hope we’ve helped provide some stability and reassurance, especially during these highly uncertain past two years. If you or your loved ones need financial guidance, please give us a call at (203) 967-2231.
Wishing you and your families well,
Sean M. Dowling, CFP, EA
President, The Dowling Group Wealth Management
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